I know the hits will hit, and I have to assume their larger body of work will too. I mean, the longest running rib in rock music has been that every AC/DC album sounds the same. Do they, though? Do they really? I mean, they've been releasing music for damn near forty years, there had to be some stylistic variaton in all that time. Maybe a bandwagon jump here, or an unfortunate studio session there. And hey, if not, at least I could count on them keeping me moving while engaging in my 'sportsing' activities, right? Right, so let's get it on!
And boy, did Mr. Prindle ever catch some flack for his thoughts on Ballbreaker. I've... a feeling I won't be getting such bile thrown my way, especially since hardcore AC/DC fans can't deny the band's music after that one is much better. No, really, it totally is!
As for my impressions of AC/DC, can't say much has changed. I went in expecting a certain sound, and they've maintained that right up to 2020 (ol' Angus looking a bit funky still wearing the school-boy uniform while now sporting white hair, it must be said). I'm honestly more suprised they didn't hop on any bandwagons, but that's probably for the best. I can't imagine AC/DC with a rapper or synths or fancy studio trickery. They are who they are, and made
Don't know how my next survey will pan out though, going with a duo I only know from a namedrop. At least they're an electronic act?
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